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September 9, 2024

Advanced strategies for recruitment in Erasmus Mundus programs

Erasmus Mundus programs are attracting more and more international students. To stand out and attract the best talent, establishments must adopt innovative recruitment strategies. This article explores how to optimize the selection process, from centralizing applications to personalizing the candidate experience.

Implement centralized management of applications

Develop a centralized database

A centralized database brings together all relevant candidate information, simplifying the search, sorting and comparison of profiles. Admissions managers can quickly identify promising files and filter them by criteria such as program, country of origin or academic level. For example, a large business school can manage thousands of international applications efficiently thanks to this centralization.

Benefits :

  • Easy search and sorting

  • Overview of applications

  • Candidate segmentation

  • Saving time and efficiency

Optimize data security and compliance

Offer secure online payment options

For international candidates, it is crucial to offer secure online payment solutions. Integrating reliable payment providers strengthens the credibility of the institution and simplifies the process for applicants.

Set up a secure online portal

A secure portal, accessible 24/7, facilitates the management of applications. Applicants can fill out forms, upload supporting documents and track the progress of their file. For example, the engineering schools of the Mines-Telecom network use such a platform to manage admissions while respecting GDPR regulations.

Develop efficient analysis and reporting tools

Identify trends and success criteria

Analyzing data from previous campaigns helps identify the profiles most likely to succeed. This information helps adjust selection criteria and promotional campaigns.


Promoting International Collaboration

Facilitate the secure distribution of files

A secure sharing platform allows partner universities to access files in complete confidentiality. This simplifies collaboration and collegial decision-making.

Organize joint information sessions online

Joint webinars allow institutions to promote the Erasmus Mundus program and answer applicants' questions. For example, the “Crossways in Cultural Narratives” program organizes webinars to present the specificities of each partner university.

Personalize the user experience

Create specific application forms

Tailored forms make it possible to better assess the skills and experiences relevant to each program. For example, a master's degree in sustainable design could include questions on eco-designed projects.

Develop a dedicated mobile application

A mobile application facilitates the submission of applications and provides real-time notifications. The Excelia business school uses such an application for its Erasmus Mundus program in tourism management, providing candidates with a modern and practical experience.


Institutions offering Erasmus Mundus programs must modernize their recruitment process. Centralizing applications, using data and personalizing the experience are key levers for attracting the best talent. By optimizing each stage of recruitment, from promotion to final selection, establishments can improve their visibility and attract high-quality candidates. Artificial intelligence could well be the next big innovation in this field.

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