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Our solution offers you the possibility to manage the allocation of bonuses easily. Our platform makes it easy to collect and process teacher-researcher files.

Photograph of students in an amphitheater
Screenshot of the campaign list page
Screenshot of the form creation page
Screenshot of the campaign edit page
Screenshot of the list of created forms page

Do you award a bonus for teacher-researchers? Our solution allows you to automate and save you time in the selection of the best candidate for this bonus.

Save time with EMUNDUS

Thanks to the automation of repetitive and time-consuming tasks, you will be more focused on more important missions in managing the allocation of bonuses. Our platform will save you precious time!

A personalized platform

You decide on the composition of the forms (application, evaluation, etc.). Our platform adapts to your needs! Choose the features that will be useful to you.

A practical and easy-to-use tool

Our solution will prove very practical in your sector of activity. Additionally, our platform is easy to use because you don't need any specific skills. After the training, using the tool will be easy.

They already trust us

Logo French Institute
European Commission Logo
Logo French Institute
Logo Sorbonne University
ESFAM logo
CFJ logo
Logo Maif
ADAGP logo

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and simplify your data collection without further delay.