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Manage your training programs internationally. Make international mobility accessible to all your students.

Photograph of students in an amphitheater
Screenshot of the campaign list page
Screenshot of the form creation page
Screenshot of the campaign edit page
Screenshot of the list of created forms page

Are you in charge of international mobility request files? Collect all files on a single platform and save time.

A practical tool

Our solution is simple to use and proves to be very practical for managing a large number of files.

Save time with automation

Our platform allows you to use email templates, personalize your emails and also send automatic emails to save time for your team but also for your candidates.

Manage as a team

Give access to people who must participate in the management of these files. By configuring their profile, each person has a very specific role giving them access or not to all the functionalities of the software solution.

They already trust us

Logo French Institute
European Commission Logo
Logo French Institute
Logo Sorbonne University
ESFAM logo
CFJ logo
Logo Maif
ADAGP logo

Get started today!

Transform your records management processes
and simplify your data collection without further delay.