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Candidate reference module on EMUNDUS, essential for monitoring your applications

  • Manage your applications

  • Track your applications

  • Efficiency and equity

  • Tool for recruiters

  • Automating

  • Collaboration

Application form mockup

Tracking applicants is an essential task for recruiters. It helps ensure that applications are processed efficiently and fairly.

The candidate referral module on EMUNDUS is a tool that allows recruiters to track applications simply and efficiently.

The functionalities of the candidate reference module

The candidate referral module offers a multitude of features that meet the needs of recruiters of all sizes, including:

  • Application management: The module allows recruiters to create, modify and delete applications.
  • Applicant Tracking: Our solution allows recruiters to track the status of applications, such as date received, date applied, date interviewed, etc.
  • Collaboration: EMUNDUS allows recruiters to share information and feedback about candidates.
  • Automation: Our platform offers automation features such as reminders and notifications.
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Mockup illustration of the steps of submitting a file

Accelerate your recruitment

The Applicant Referral module can be used for a variety of applicant tracking tasks:

  • Sorting applications: The module can be used to sort applications based on criteria such as experience level, skills or location.
  • Interview Scheduling: The module can be used to schedule interviews and send reminders to candidates.

Share your documents

Our solution allows organizations to quickly share all candidate files received. This helps speed up the recruitment process. You can send a document or a form to support a candidate file to a professor or mentor for example.

Formbuilder illustration mockup

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