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Do you have to manage calls for projects accompanied by the management of associated grants ? Simplify your task with our platform.

Photograph of students in an amphitheater

Collect projects

The flexibility of our platform favors complete integration of the application form into your site in order to easily receive more files.

Select the best projects

You will see more clearly in the entire list of candidate files by using the filters of our platform. In this way, select the best projects simply.

Get statistics

Evaluate the success of application campaigns by analyzing statistics. Our team configures the indicators you need.

Example use cases

Calls for projects

Launch calls for projects online from EMUNDUS.

Internship agreement

Create internship agreements quickly with our solution.

Awarding of scholarships

Managing the allocation of scholarships with our solution will become a formality for you!

Grant Awards

Inform about the different subsidies and their accessibility.

They use our solution

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