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Our solution allows you to manage your student applications for your Summer courses programs.

Photograph of students in an amphitheater
Screenshot of the campaign list page
Screenshot of the form creation page
Screenshot of the campaign edit page
Screenshot of the list of created forms page

Easily manage the collection, management or even evaluation of student files to select students for your summer courses.

Become more efficient with our solution

By working on our platform with several people, by bringing together all the files in one place, with the automation of repetitive tasks and other features will help you save time in your missions.

Adapt your platform according to your needs

The flexibility of our platform makes it possible to adapt to different elements, such as your graphic charter, the functionalities you want and other desired adaptations.

A visible application form

After you define your form, it will be easily accessible to your candidates online. Highlight its link in your communication strategy.

They already trust us

Logo French Institute
European Commission Logo
Logo French Institute
Logo Sorbonne University
ESFAM logo
CFJ logo
Logo Maif
ADAGP logo

Get started today!

Transform your records management processes
and simplify your data collection without further delay.