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Drive innovation through competitions

Innovation competitions are events that aim to stimulate innovation by rewarding innovative solutions to real-world problems. They can be organized by governments, businesses, universities or non-profit organizations. EMUNDUS allows you to launch innovation competitions from our platform.

Group of people testing a VR headset
Screenshot of the campaign list page
Screenshot of the form creation page
Screenshot of the campaign edit page
Screenshot of the list of created forms page

Promote innovation competitions

Innovation competitions provide many benefits to participants, organizers and society as a whole.

For participants

Innovation competitions provide an opportunity to present their innovative ideas to a wide audience and receive valuable feedback and support. They can also be a source of financing and visibility for start-ups.

For organizers

Innovation competitions are a way to promote innovation and stimulate creativity. They can also be used to generate new and innovative ideas for solving real-world problems.

For the society

Innovation competitions can help stimulate economic growth and create new jobs. They can also help improve people’s quality of life.

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