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October 21, 2024

Optimizing Application Management: 5 Key Strategies for Admissions Managers


Managing continuing education applications represents a strategic challenge for establishments. In order to offer a smooth candidate experience and optimize the selection of profiles, it is necessary to structure processes, digitize flows and analyze data in depth. Here are five strategies admissions managers can implement to improve application management.

Summary :

1- Clarify the admission process
2- Digitize file management
3- Train and involve the team
4- Analyze data to improve
5- Promote diversity of profiles

1- Clarify the admission process

A. Define the key stages of the process

A clear and structured admissions pathway facilitates the orientation of candidates and allows for more efficient processing of files. Establishments must precisely define the key stages of the process, from submission to final decision.

By communicating selection criteria transparently, they build trust and help candidates submit relevant applications. Tools such as real-time validation systems or self-assessment modules can also facilitate the filtering of applications and optimize processing efficiency.

For example, Excelia has deployed and configured an international application management platform with online payments to streamline the process for foreign candidates.

Communicate evaluation criteria

Transparency on the criteria for evaluating applications is essential to establish a climate of trust. By clearly communicating the academic and professional prerequisites, as well as the expected skills, establishments allow candidates to better understand expectations and put together relevant files.

Setting up a real-time validation system for these prerequisites facilitates the filtering of applications and ensures complete files. Self-assessment modules can also be offered to candidates to help them choose the programs best suited to their profile and objectives.

Ensuring fair and transparent assessment criteria for processing applications builds confidence in the admissions process.

2- Digitize file management

Centralize data with a tracking system

The adoption of digital tools such as applicant management systems makes it possible to centralize data in a single platform, thus guaranteeing better organization and traceability.

Digitalization also facilitates the automation of repetitive administrative tasks, such as sending acknowledgments of receipt, reminders for missing documents and notification of decisions. This automation allows teams to focus on higher value-added actions, while providing candidates with a smooth and responsive experience.

Mines-Telecom has, for example, deployed and configured an application management platform for its work-study students, thus centralizing the monitoring of files.

Automate administrative tasks

Automating the tasks related to processing applications represents a considerable time saving for admissions teams. Pre-qualification tools allow files to be filtered according to predefined criteria and the most relevant profiles to be quickly identified.

The integration of automated workflows optimizes the management of applications at each stage: acknowledgments of receipt, reminders in the event of missing documents, notification of decisions, etc. These systems ensure regular monitoring of candidates, without mobilizing teams on repetitive actions with low added value.

Benefits of automation

Examples of automatable tasks

Save time for teams

Sending acknowledgments of receipt

Regular monitoring of candidates

Reminders for missing parts

Quick identification of the best profiles

Notification of decisions

Limiting repetitive tasks

Pre-qualification according to criteria

3- Train and involve the team

A. Develop team skills

An admissions team trained in application management best practices is the key to qualitative processing of files. Sessions must be organized to develop employee skills on pre-selection methods, conducting interviews, evaluating profiles and mastering the digital tools used.

This increase in skills also involves the regular sharing of feedback between team members. Comparing points of view and identifying good practices from the field makes it possible to enrich the common operating procedure and gain consistency in the processing of files.

B. Promote collaboration between stakeholders

The continuing education admission process involves numerous stakeholders who must act together: program managers, selection boards, support services, etc. Setting up collaborative spaces to share information and interact on files facilitates the coordination of all these actors.

Admission interview management tools make it possible, for example, to centralize the evaluations of candidates by the different juries and to share opinions for a concerted decision. Involving key stakeholders at every stage strengthens the cohesion and alignment of the broader admissions team.

4- Analyze data to improve

A. Track key performance indicators

Regular analysis of application data is essential to drive the performance of the admissions process. Monitoring indicators such as the number of files received, the conversion rate at different stages, the processing time or even the diversity of profiles makes it possible to objectify the results.

This factual data helps managers identify priority areas for improvement. They make it possible to concentrate efforts on blocking points and measure the effectiveness of corrective actions undertaken to streamline the candidate experience.

B. Collect and use candidate feedback

Beyond quantitative monitoring, the qualitative dimension is essential to continuously improve the admission process. Collecting feedback from candidates, whether admitted or not, on their application experience is a valuable source of lessons.

Surveys can be carried out to find out their level of satisfaction at each stage and identify possible irritants. Comparing this feedback with the analysis of behavior on online application tools makes it possible to finely adjust the systems and anticipate the expectations of candidates.

Science Po Paris, for example, has deployed and configured an admissions platform for its summer courses by integrating a system for collecting candidate feedback to continuously improve the process.

5- Promote the diversity of profiles

A. Define an inclusive sourcing strategy

Attracting diverse profiles is a major challenge in continuing education admission processes. An inclusive sourcing strategy must be defined to seek out these varied talents, by activating different levers.

Developing partnerships with targeted establishments and associations makes it possible, for example, to reach populations that are usually under-represented. Offering webinars and sessions dedicated to these audiences is also an effective way to attract more diverse applications.

B. Adapt your communication to target audiences

To convert this diverse sourcing into effective applications, communication must also be adapted to the different target audiences. This involves personalizing messages and channels according to profiles for a tailor-made approach.

Highlighting testimonials from students with varied backgrounds creates inspiring and meaningful models for everyone. Representing diversity in all institutional communication media also sends a strong signal about openness to all profiles, beyond academic prerequisites.

“Put strategies in place to attract a diverse student population. This includes partnerships with community organizations and awareness campaigns.”

6- Conclusion

By clarifying the admission process, digitalizing the processing of files and analyzing the data in detail, continuing education establishments can considerably improve the management of their applications. This helps provide a smooth and personalized candidate experience, while reducing the administrative burden on teams.

What if predictive analysis of application data made it possible to anticipate candidates' expectations and behaviors even more precisely in the future for a truly tailor-made experience?

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