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Features and modules


Is it possible to design the layout (color, logos, typography, etc.)


As standard, you can place/integrate:

  • your logo in the header (top left) (the TCHOOZ logo in the footer will still be present)
  • your favicon (image present in the browser tab)
  • your banner or decide not to put one at all
  • your colors which will be present in the action buttons

If you need a tailor-made home page or even a complete communication site, we can carry out this work as part of an additional service (the cost is defined to measure after gathering your needs).

All the texts that you can consult can be modified by the customer himself. In the footer, you can enter your contact details instead of mine.

You will see in this demonstration that there is only one campaign open, but it is possible to open as many as you want simultaneously. For each campaign, by simply clicking on the campaign block, you will access a "+ information" page of the campaign, allowing you to provide details and make documents available for download (such as payment by example). You can create your account on this platform to discover the candidate area and the form in place on this platform. The form is only an illustration, you can set up the one you need.

Is it possible to evaluate projects and for different external people to be able to give ratings and comments?

Yes .
Basic in the platform, you have the possibility of setting up an evaluation grid for the evaluation stage and a decision/jury grid proposed to the Jury which will submit the final opinion on a file, by relying on the opinion filed by the assessor. Some of our clients only use one step, in this case generally an evaluator who informs the final decision himself. So it is possible to use only one of these 2 steps, depending on your process. A grid, whether for evaluation or decision, is customizable, meaning that, depending on your needs, it can have a drop-down list, radio buttons, free entry areas (... ), and can have fields with notes (1 to 5 for example). For example, if there are 4 evaluation criteria, each receiving a score out of 5, a total amount will be calculated automatically by the platform and will define a score out of 20 which will be visible at the end of the evaluation grid. . In the event that some criteria are more important than others, it is possible to weight the criteria, and the platform will then display at the end of the grid the weighted average which would have been calculated automatically by the platform.

An evaluator can be internal to your organization or external. You have the possibility of creating a user account for a person with the "Evaluator" profile in the platform (he will therefore have to log in each time and from the first time to be able to consult the files assigned to him). But if you need to collect from an evaluator, before he consults all the information in the file(s) assigned to him, a declaration of no conflict of interest and confidentiality (under the form of check boxes + validation button, and not with electronic signature), we have an additional module "EXPERT MODULE" and we therefore distinguish a classic Evaluator from an Expert Evaluator whom we call internally Expert. For an Expert user, it is not necessary to create an account like for an Evaluator user. To request an expert, simply select the files that must be assigned to them and send them an expert invitation by email through the platform, providing their email address. The expert will then be notified by email with the text of your choice and a link to the platform. Clicking on this link will direct him to a page accessible without connection giving him some information on the files assigned to him. In the event of a conflict of interest, he has the choice of refusing a single, several or all of the files. On this page, he must provide:

  • his choice (accept or refuse) for each of the files assigned to him
  • first name, last name and email address

Once this page has been completed, they must validate this page, an action which will trigger the creation by the platform of their Expert user account. He will then be able to consult all of the assigned files and provide his opinion. When his account is created by the platform, an email will be sent to him automatically by the platform, which will indicate the random password that the platform will have defined for his account in order to allow him to reconnect later, if he does not Didn't finish his assessments the first time.

Does the solution allow a candidate to sign their application electronically?

This is one of the features present in the eMundus platform. It allows a candidate to live an entirely digital experience (from filling out the file to sending it, including paying fees and signing the file). For a candidate, it becomes relatively simple to manage the design and sending of an application file from start to finish given the entire process is dematerialized. The use of this functionality helps to improve the satisfaction of a depositor and the image of the organization.

Does the solution have an online payment functionality?

The eMundus platform includes a rich range of functionalities , each of which can be activated according to needs, including online payment. It is possible to propose a different amount to pay depending on certain information provided by a candidate (e.g.: the amount to pay will be different if the candidate is a scholarship holder or if he is a non-scholarship holder), to pay the application fees . The functionality can also be used for a candidate to pay registration or re-registration fees.

Is it possible to create new sections or delete them without going through the developer of the IT solution?

The eMundus solution was built so that user organizations benefit from maximum autonomy in the management of their activities on the platform. It is therefore possible for a client to administer their spaces, launch new campaigns and create new forms. Each service includes the facilitation by the eMundus team of an training session for users involved in the campaign management process (administrator, manager, evaluator, partner, etc.), with no limit on participants. This training is provided at the time of handing over the deliverable so that the change and use of the tool can take place with complete peace of mind.