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Setting up the platform


Is the platform easy to use?

The eMundus team offers you a training session (possible remotely) with future users of the platform. In this way, you simply learn with the aim of managing all your recruitment campaigns calmly. This training is carried out when the deliverable is submitted to quickly develop your autonomy. The platform does not require specific skills . If you encounter any problem, by contacting the eMundus team, they will be available to resolve it as quickly as possible.

How long does it take for the “ready-to-use” platform to be delivered?

Everything obviously depends on the complexity of the project. For a basic need, we are able to deploy a platform within 2 weeks. Since putting the application submission space online is generally the priority, we are focusing on this part to deliver this space within 1 week. So, while the first files are collected by our client, we work on the other spaces that they will use subsequently (evaluation, decision, reporting, dashboard).

How do you plan to manage updates from other applications (which will be integrated into your solution: common base recovery)?

The third-party applications (library, framework, etc.) that we integrate into our application are regularly updated and we guarantee the proper functioning of our platform. As part of an integration with an application from the client's information system, if this impacts the proper functioning of our platform or the proper functioning of data exchange, we bill for time spent.