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Centralize your administrative procedures | eMundus

What is your IT solution for managing applications?

eMundus offers a white-label online platform bringing together spaces and extensive functionalities for automating repetitive tasks, collaboration and interconnection that an organization needs to accelerate and make its end-to-end application management process more reliable. She understands :

  • a public portal to present open programs to candidates
  • a submission space specific to each program offered, associated with a tailor-made form to collect the desired information, sometimes specific to a program
  • a space accessible to a generally limited number of users to manage the campaign , create user accounts, define user profiles, create email templates, manage the rules for automatic email sending by the platform, etc.
  • an evaluation space , also accessible to a certain type of user (with an evaluator profile), to comment and evaluate the complete application files received alone or with others
  • a decision space to enter the final decision of the jury in each evaluated file
  • a dashboard to quickly access and consult key statistics and analyzes in the form of graphs, printable in the form of charted reports and exportable in different formats (Excel/CSV, PDF, ZIP)
  • a file archiving space

The eMundus platform allows a client to:

  • give visibility to programs 
  • improve its image and the candidate experience
  • processing and decision-making times
  • maintain contact with depositors at each stage of the process thanks to the alert and automatic email sending system included in the solution, which will make it possible to automatically follow up or inform one or more people of a change, regardless of their user profile

Depending on needs and to go further, it is possible to activate additional functionalities : generation of trombinoscopes, online payment, electronic signature, automatic generation and personalization of a standard document, setting up a connection LDAP, maintenance booking, automatic transfer and storage of processed files to an archiving space located outside the platform...